
How to Prep Your Dog for Their First Stay Away from Home in Sydney


The bond between a dog and its owner is truly special. As a pet parent, you want to ensure that your furry friend is comfortable and safe, especially when you’re not around. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or an extended trip, there might come a time when you need to leave your dog in someone else’s care. Preparing your dog for their first stay away from home can be a daunting task, but with the right steps, you can make the experience smooth for both of you.

Understanding Your Dog’s Needs

Every dog is unique. Some might be more independent, while others might have separation anxiety. Before you even consider leaving your dog at a boarding facility, it’s essential to understand their specific needs. Spend some time observing their behaviour, noting any signs of distress when you’re not around. This will give you a better idea of what kind of care they’ll require in your absence.

Familiarise Them with the New Environment

Before the actual stay, consider taking your dog for a visit to the boarding facility. Let them sniff around, meet the staff, and get a feel for the place. This familiarisation can help reduce anxiety when the time comes for the actual stay. If possible, leave them for a short duration initially, like a day, before the extended stay. This will act as a trial run and help them adjust better.

Pack Their Favourite Items

Just like humans, dogs find comfort in familiarity. Packing their favourite toy, blanket, or even a piece of your clothing can provide them with a sense of security. These items will remind them of home and can be a great source of comfort during their stay.

Ensure Their Dietary Needs Are Met

Dogs can be sensitive to sudden changes in their diet. If your dog is on a specific diet or has allergies, ensure that the boarding facility is aware of this. Pack enough of their regular food for the duration of the stay, along with clear feeding instructions.

Keep Their Routine Intact

Dogs thrive on routine. Whether it’s their feeding time, walk schedule, or playtime, try to keep it as consistent as possible. Inform the boarding facility about your dog’s daily routine so they can try to replicate it. This will help your dog adjust faster and reduce any potential stress.

Health and Safety First

Ensure that your dog is up-to-date with all their vaccinations. Most boarding facilities will require proof of vaccination. It’s also a good idea to have a recent health check-up done. Leave emergency contact details and any specific medical instructions with the facility.

Trust the Process

It’s natural to feel anxious about leaving your beloved pet behind. However, remember that boarding facilities are equipped to handle dogs and their needs. They have trained professionals who can ensure your dog’s safety and well-being. So, while it’s okay to check in once in a while, trust the process and the caregivers. Moreover, it’s not just about finding the best dog boarding services in Sydney; it’s about ensuring your dog feels at home, even when they’re away from it.

Embracing the Experience

Leaving your dog for the first time can be an emotional experience for both of you. However, with the right preparation and trust in the caregivers, it can turn into a positive experience. And when you return, the joyous reunion will be worth the wait. For more insights on dog behaviour and how they perceive their environment, you might want to delve into the psychology of dogs. It’s a fascinating topic that offers a deeper understanding of our four-legged friends.